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Is the American Bubble Real in the Philippines?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live in an ‘American bubble’ while traveling abroad? Well, travel to the Philippines, and you’ll find out! First, let’s talk...

Does White Skin Always Wins in Asia?

When it comes to how white men do with Asian women, I tend to most often hear (from men) that Asian women worship white men and their holy white skin. The general belief seems to be that all you need...

What No One Tells You About Dating in China as a Black Man

Hey, my fellow traveler! It’s your boy Dixonskii, coming at you from China with some real talk about dating over here, especially for us black guys curious about how Asian women see us. Buckle...

Your Beautiful Foreign Girlfriend Wants Money

Yo, yo! Danny here Ya know, there seems to be a lot of (American) guys who have a problem with the idea of spending money on women. One of the main things that you see being advertised by...

The Freaky Truth About Your Body Overseas

Hey, my fellow travelers! One thing that I’ve noticed is that my health is a LOT better ever since I left America When I was in the states, even though I exercised almost every day, I still felt heavy...

I Wish Every American Could Read This

Hey my fellow travelers Ya know, there is a lot of awesome stuff about being American We’ve got one of the strongest and most desired passports in the world The American dollar is the most trusted...

Should Passport Bros Date Beautiful Women?

Recently, I saw someone post a pretty funny question in the Passport Bros Facebook group: They’re basically asking if you should go for the hot girl who will likely demand more from you (because...

Finding Freedom in China: An American’s Story

Hey my fellow travelers! As many of you guys know, I’m an American who lives in China. And, when it comes to the concept of “freedom”, I’ve got a pretty unique perspective to share with...

The REAL Reason Why You Can’t Trust YouTube

Hey my fellow travelers So, there’s a lot of fakeness going on in the “Black in China” YouTube space. These guys aren’t really showing the truth about what it’s like living in China as a black...

Will They Betray You?

Hey my fellow travelers So believe it or not, not everybody is your friend when you’re out here traveling. Some people might even pretend to be your friend, and then they stab you in the back when...

Don’t Let This Ruin Your Life

Hey My Fellow Travelers So a lot of us seem to think that going overseas is gonna make all of our problems disappear. But for those of us who are more experienced at living overseas and traveling...

I Regret Not Knowing This Secret Sooner

Hey my fellow travelers So a lot of guys see me online eating some AMAZING dishes with my girlfriend, living that romantic international lifestyle, and y’all probably thought my life was always this...

The Dangers of Lone Wolf Traveling

Hey My Fellow Travelers So a lot of us are out here catching flights and living overseas by ourselves. But, ya know, it’s not always easy living this lone wolf travel lifestyle I’ve been seeing a lot...

Black Man Kills Travel Stress

Hey my fellow travelers. A lot of guys want to live this travel lifestyle, going from country to country and having international vacations But ya know a lot of guys aren’t doing it the right way...

Will American Men Ever Escape?

A lot of guys see me traveling the world, and they say stuff like – “God d@mn Danny, you know, you’re kind of a weird guy” Then I say “Yeah, I am a weird guy, but I’m very confident in who I am...

They’re Talking About You….

If you’re reading this, you probably are the kind of guy who gets attention very easily You stand out from others, because you’re different You think differently, and your actions separate you from...

Alert: You’re About To Make A Mistake!

F*ck anger! When I think about all the time I’ve wasted in my life being angry about bullsh*t that doesn’t matter It would amount to hundreds (or even THOUSANDS) of hours And you may notice that your...

There’s Always Some Bullsh*t!!

It can be easy to think that moving overseas will solve all of your problems. Actually there are still things that can cause you to be stressed-out. even while you are overseas sipping from coconuts!...

Sorry….But You Deserve This! 🏖️

A lot of guys see me in exotic locations around the world… ….and they think that it’s some kind of fantasy!…. …like it’s not realistic for them…. Well...

Travelers Got Beef?!

A lot of guys see me online having a good time with my girlfriend, and they think that life is all good. But in reality, they don’t know it’s a lot of BEEF out here in these streets, dawg! One thing...

Surrounded By A*sholes? Reinvent Your Life And Move Overseas!

One of my biggest regrets in life- I spent waaaaay too much time around people who weren’t helping my life, i.e. losers These losers were like emotional vampires Their main purpose in life was to try...

Passport Bros Are Stuck In The Past?!

A lot of people reached out to me and told me that they liked the YouTube video that I put out related to PTSD and travel The video talked about how difficult it can be to escape your past...

Traveler Mental Health Struggles

Hey there, fellow traveler! So, you’ve probably seen me living it up with my girl on social media, hitting up all these cool spots, and you might be thinking to yourself, “Man...