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Black Man Kills Travel Stress

Hey my fellow travelers.

A lot of guys want to live this travel lifestyle, going from country to country and having international vacations

But ya know a lot of guys aren’t doing it the right way, man.

There IS a good way and a bad way to travel.

There’s a way that will increase your stress and make life more difficult….

….then there’s the other way to do it which I’m gonna share with y’all.

And I’ve got some useful information for you guys who want to keep a girlfriend while traveling…. 💘

Let me break it down in 6 easy steps

(1) All right, so step #1 that I’m gonna give y’all is to make sure everything is good at your job before you head overseas

You guys gotta make sure that whatever place you are working at is fine with you leaving the country for however many days. Because you don’t want any of those work problems stopping you from boarding that plane

(2) And speaking of planes, for #2 book your flights and hotel AT LEAST a week beforehand

That’s in case any problems need to be taken care of, such as a cancelled flight or some kind of visa problems.

I know some guys who wait until the day before to book everything, but I’ve seen that situation turn out badly a few times… so I like to give myself more leeway.

(3) Now, for #3, in terms of packing, I usually like to start packing at least 3 days in advance.

Why 3 days in advance? Because usually a day or two before my trip I might suddenly remember that I forgot something that I need to pack.

So I give myself extra time and space to think about what I need

That way I’m not caught with my pants around my ankles when it’s time for that plane to takeoff. That helps a lot with stress-free travel

P.S. When you’re traveling, it’s essential to have a high-quality bag that can hold your personal items and toiletries.

For those of you looking to travel stress-free, I recommend getting the TravaLux toiletry bag. check it out here. As a thanks for being a loyal reader, use the code Lux20 for $20 off your toiletry bag and free international shipping. Get yours today! ✈️🏆

(4) Now, on the topic of managing things with your girl while you’re away traveling…..

Ya know, this travel lifestyle can be kinda lonely sometimes. If you’re lucky, you might find a girl that you really like, that you want to be your girlfriend.

But, unfortunately, not everybody is able to leave their job and travel whenever they want.

So if your girl has a job or something, she might not always be able to join you on your trips.

You can’t be out here leaving your girlfriend all lonely and stuff while you’re out here traveling the world.

Give your girl some good memories before you disappear and go somewhere else

Some things you could do with her: nice restaurants, massages, going to the arcade, etc.

And, while you’re away, it wouldn’t hurt to give your girl a video call once or twice 😉

(5) Now by this point, you guys know that I like to do things ahead of schedule.

I’m so paranoid, I often book the car to the airport the day before.

That way, as soon as I wake up, the taxi is already on it’s way waiting for me outside. So I can just chill and be driven to the airport… like a boss

(6) I like to show up at the airport early, like SUPER early (two and a half hours before my flight is a nice amount of time)

Because I’m always paranoid that something is gonna go wrong with my flight.

So I show up there super early, just so I can check in and make sure there are no problems. And then I could just chill out until my flight.

Bonus: And just as a bonus tip for y’all, make sure you got everything lined up before you arrive in that country.

  • I mean your visa stuff
  • Getting your phone card so you can call and send messages
  • Your transportation for getting from the airport to your hotel.

Make sure you got all of that sorted out.

That’s how you do it y’all. Stress free traveling.


P.P.S. I’m currently offering consulting for those interested in traveling to and living in China!

Topics that we can cover during the consultation call include:

➡️In-depth information about the women (especially Russian and Chinese women) in China

➡️Understanding Chinese culture

➡️Job suggestions

➡️Recommendations on what cities to visit

➡️Any other topic that I feel I can give you solid guidance on

If you are interested in getting advice about life in China that is tailored to your specific situation, just message me using the “Contact Us” page (or send an email to danny@flightmadness.com), and we can discuss the details of your consultation

Looking forward to hearing from you!
