



Join the community that is living their global lifestyle on another level

(and making the haters eat sh*t!)

Passport Bros Are Stuck In The Past?!

A lot of people reached out to me and told me that they liked the YouTube video that I put out related to PTSD and travel

The video talked about how difficult it can be to escape your past bullsh*t….

….even when you are in a new environment (such as living overseas)

When I first moved overseas, it took time get over the emotional trauma I experienced while in the states

(and I’m still recovering!)

One book that really (!!) helped me with getting over these emotional difficulties is The Way To Love, by Anthony de Mello.

If you wanna increase your levels of happiness and mental well-being…..

and to stop being such a f*cking angry person….

….it’s a very worthwhile book!

I’m not religious, but I really enjoyed how each section of the the book starts off with a quote from the Bible

And then the rest of the chapter turns that quote into actionable advice

This chapter talks about how those people who have pissed you off are like blind and disabled people

That means you view them as people who are deserving of your help and sympathy

I know it’s not easy having sympathy for people that you’d love to see fall down a flight of stairs, but bear with me!

Think about it:
why have sympathy for your enemies?

Well, one reason is you’ll have less negative feelings when you see them or think about them.

And you might not feel so upset about all the f*cked up things that they may have done to you

You might even start to see your enemies as a blessing

….because they taught you a lot of things about yourself and about life

Overall, having sympathy (rather than hatred) for others is a great way to increase your overall peace and happiness…. so it’s worth giving a shot!

The book is a short read, and it’s advice is very straightforward

I highly recommend this book for you!


P.S. I’m currently offering consulting for those interested in traveling to and living in China!

Topics that we can cover during the consultation call include:

➡️In-depth information about the women (especially Russian and Chinese women) in China

➡️Understanding Chinese culture

➡️Job suggestions

➡️Recommendations on what cities to visit

➡️Any other topic that I feel I can give you solid guidance on

If you are interested in getting advice about life in China that is tailored to your specific situation, just message me using the “Contact Us” page (or send an email to danny@luxologylifestyle.com), and we can discuss the details of your consultation

Looking forward to hearing from you!
