Secret Freaky 🥷🏿 (Who Look Just Like YOU!)
I ain’t judgin’ nobody….. 👀
I’ve got bad news
Cowardly Bully threatened To Blackmail Me On Chinese Social Media
This new era of internet dorks is really starting to irritate me….
The New Black Ignorance ➡️ “Asians Are White”
The stupidity is starting to irritate me
The Thing About Chinese girls Is…. ➡️
This could be you, bro!
Does Everybody Hate Bali? 🏝️
I was pretty happy with the lovely Korean girl I met while there 💕
Stop Going For What You Want…. NOW‼️
The woman you want is too expensive….
English Teaching BEATDOWN 🥊
Gets easily knocked the f&@k out!
My Girlfriend Loves Meat 💕
It’s safe to say that this girl knows how to enjoy some meat
American Goons Lurking in Thailand 😰
Paul wants to come back to Thailand to prove how tough he is 🤡